Why galvanization technique is adopted for earthing components?

G alvanizing is a process of coating a cover with a layer of zinc extracted from the material. It is comparable to the process of obtaining zinc from a liquid zinc shower. Zinc or iron blends in layers are formed by metallurgical reactions between liquid zinc and steel or continuously mixed iron and steel. The process of transferring charge from a charged object to the earth is called earthing. Earthing is to capture high electric sparks and move them to the ground to minimize their effect. Whenever a chemical is mixed with earthing to increase its resistivity towards the environment corrosive particles. The processed material is then called Chemical Earthing . A distinction was made between galvanizing as a frame rating. It is given the fact that no reaction between liquid zinc and steel occurs unless the surface of the steel is artificially cleaned. As steel is denser, it increases the impermeability between shattered and mixed pieces. The zinc layer protects the base metal from...